發布日期:2017年07月21日 | 標簽:
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日 期:****年*月**日
*.中國海洋石油總公司采辦部采購招標中心和*************(以下簡稱“招標機構”)受中海石油(中國)有限公司**分公司委托,邀請合格投標人就****-*氣田群開發工程項目的下列全新貨物和有關服務進行國際公開招標, 現邀請投標人對下列貨物和服務提交密封投標:
數量: ***臺
交貨期: ****年*月*日
交貨地點:**建造場地(CEPB和WHPA)&**建造場地 (PRP和改造部分)/CFR***&**港
*.主要技術要求:(*)關斷閥(****#以下,**吋以下)口徑從*英寸至**英寸,壓力等級從***LB至***JB,材質為碳鋼、***SS、A*** **、A*** **、NI AL BRONZE,連接方式:FF、RF、RTJ;(*)電動執行機構的防爆等級不低于Exd ⅡBT*,防護等級不低于IP**;(*)閥座和閥座材料及泄漏等級需滿足數據表要求,關斷閥、放空閥最大響應時間應滿足數據表的要求,閥門、執行機構及附屬元件的SIL等級應滿足關斷閥數據表要求。
從 ****年*月**日開始至****年*月*日止,在中國海油采辦業務管理與交易系統(https://buy.cnooc.com.cn/cbjyweb/)購買招標文件(電子版)。投標人須在線填寫購買招標文件登記表,并支付標書款至指定賬戶(使用人民幣購買招標文件須在線完成支付,不接受線下匯款;使用美元購買招標文件請匯款至下面賬戶,開戶名稱:*************,開戶銀行:交通銀行**分行**里支行,賬號:*********************,SWIFT Code: COMMCNSHBJG)。支付成功后,投標人可自行下載招標文件。招標文件每套售價為****元人民幣或***美元,售后不退。
郵 編:******
聯 系 人: 莫詩蘊
郵 編:******
聯 系 人:王林宏
聯系電話:+**-**-**** ****
Project: DF**-* Gas Fields Development Project Shutdown valve (below ****#, ** inches below)
Bid No: ****-****JDCP****/**
Date: July **st, ****
*.Procurement & Tendering Center of CNOOC Procurement Dept. and CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Tendering Agent”), for and on behalf of CNOOC China Limited (hereinafter called "Purchaser") invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the supply of following equipment:
Name of Goods:Shutdown valve (below ****#, ** inches below)
Qty: *** sets
Delivery Schedule:*th Mar,****
Destination of delivery:Construction Site of Zhuhai(CEPB and WHPA)&Zhanjiang(PRP and other)
*.Qualification requirement:The bidder's shutdown valves must be manufactured by the same manufacturer with one brand, and the manufacturer should have at least manufacturing performance of shutdown valve with nominal diameter of ** inches or more and pressure of *** pounds or more, which have been run successfully for more than * years (inclusive) in two project of offshore oil or gas fields or FPSO. the bidder should provide a copy of the contract and the stability of the operation of the certificate (such as the final receipt of the certificate or the final commission report or user operating certificate, etc.) to prove the performance. Supporting documents need to include the products list, the main technology Parameters, user name, user location country (region) and other information).
*.Main technical requirement:(*)The quantity of shutdown valves (below ****#, ** inches below) : the diameters of these valves are from * inches to ** inches, the pressure ratings are from ***LB to ***JB, the valves' materials are carbon steel, ***SS, A*** **, A*** **, NI AL BRONZE, the connections are FF,RF、 RTJ;(*)Electric actuators explosive-proof grade should not be below Exd Ⅱ BT*, protection grade should not be not below IP**;(*)Valve seat and seat material and leak rating must meet the data sheets requirements,The maximum response time of the shutdown valve and the blowdown valve shall meet the requirements of the data sheets,The SIL rating of valves, actuators and accessory components shall meet the requirements of the shutdown valve data sheets.
*.All those who are willing to participate in the bids are kindly requested to : enter into website https://buy.cnooc.com.cn/cbjyweb/ to purchase the bidding documents (electronic edition) on line from July **st, **** to August *st, **** upon non-refundable payment of RMB *,*** or USD*** for each copy.The bidder to use RMB to purchase the bidding documents should pay online, account transfer will not be accepted. The bidder to use USD to purchase the bidding documents, please transfer to the following account (Beneficiary: CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd., Name of Bank: Bank of Communications Beijing Branch Hepingli Sub-branch; USD A/C No.: *********************,SWIFT Code: COMMCNSHBJG). After completion of the remittance, the bidder could download the bidding documents.
*.Bids must be delivered to Meeting Room No.*** of CNOOC Tonwer, No.* Dongzhimenwai Xiaojie, Dongcheng District, Beijing ******, P.R. China for submission of bids before **:** a.m. (Beijing time) on August **th, ****.
*.Bids will be opened in the presence of bidders' representatives who choose to attend at **:** a.m. (Beijing time) on August **th, **** at Meeting Room No.*** of CNOOC Tower, No.* Dongzhimenwai Xiaojie, Dongcheng District, Beijing ******, P.R. China for bid-opening.
Name of Purchaser: CNOOC CHINA LIMITED
Address: P.O.Box **,Potou,Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province, ******, P.R. China
Contact Person: Mo Shiyun
Telephone: ****-*******
E-mail: ***********
Name of Tendering Agent: Procurement & Tendering Center of Procurement Dept. of China National Offshore Oil Corporation and CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd.
Address: *th Floor, CNOOC Tower, No.* Dongzhimenwai Xiaojie, Dongcheng District, Beijing, ******, P.R. China
Contact person: Mr. Wang Linhong
Telephone: +**-**-**** ****
E-mail: ***********