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當前位置: 首頁 > 歷年招標公告 > 2015.12.28招標公告 > 64排CT采購項目


信息發布日期:2015.12.28 標簽: 廣東省招標 深圳市招標 
地 區:深圳市

日    期:2015年12月28日



1.  深圳市振東招標代理有限公司(以下簡稱“招標機構”)受買方(以下簡稱“招標人”)委托,采用國際競爭性公開招標的方式邀請合格投標人就64排CT采購項目提交密封投標。

2. 有興趣的合格投標人可在深圳市振東招標代理有限公司得到進一步的信息和查閱招標文件。

3. 有興趣的投標人可從2015年12月29日起每天(節假日除外)9:30AM-12:00AM和2:00PM-6:00PM時(北京時間)至2016年1月11日前,在深圳市振東招標代理有限公司購買招標文件,本招標文件每套售價為人民幣1200元或200美元,該費用售后不予退還。若郵購,相關購買費用由購買方負責,須另加200元人民幣(國內)/50美元(國外)。招標代理機構將不對郵寄過程中可能發生的延誤或丟失負責。

4. 所有投標文件應于2016年1月19日北京時間09:30之前遞交到下述地址公開開標,并須附預算金額2%的投標保證金。超過該日期及時間的投標將被拒絕,任何以郵遞方式的投標,招標人及招標代理機構將不對任何因投標延誤而導致的廢標承擔責任。

5. 所有投標人,需在中國招標網網站(fslbxg.com)及時注冊成功。








郵    編:518001

電    話:0755-82786028,0755-82786018/82786038-810

傳    真: 0755-82786028

聯 系 人***




行  號:308584001282                

帳  號:755914788210601

戶  名:深圳市振東招標代理有限公司




Date: 2015-12-28        

Bid No.: 0868-1540ZDP413JD


1.  Preparatory Committee For Shenzhen City Government Procurement Center (hereinafter referred to as "purchaser") commissioned SHENZHEN ZHENDONG TENDERING AGENT CO.,LTD (hereinafter referred to as "tendering agent") to invite eligible bidders to submit sealed bids for the procurement of 64 row CT through international competitive bid.

2. Interested eligible bidders may request  further informationinspect the bidding documents from SHENZHEN ZHENDONG TENDERING AGENT CO.,LTD.

3. Interested bidders can purchase the bidding documents at Shenzhen Zhendong Tendering Agent Co.,Ltd everyday from  2015-12-29(except holidays) 9:30 AM - 12:00 AM14:00 PM - 18:00 PM. to 2016-1-11 . The bidding documents priced at RMB1000USD170, the cost is not refundable. For mail order, the purchaser is responsible for related expenses which is subject to another 200 Yuan (domestic) /50 USD (abroad). Tendering agent is not responsible for possible delayloss in mail process.

  4. All bidding documents should be submitted to the following address before 2016-1-19 09:30 AM  to open publicly,shall be accompanied by bid security that not less than 2% of the bid amount. Any bid later than that datetime will be rejected. For any bid by post, the purchasertendering agent will not be responsible for annulment caused by any delays.

5. All bidders shall promptly register in the China International Bidding website (fslbxg.com) successfully.

Bidders submissionopening address: opening room, Shenzhen Zhendong Tendering Agent Co.,Ltd

Name of Tendering Agent: Shenzhen Zhendong Tendering Agent Co.,Ltd

Tendering Agent Address: Rm.3,10 F,Block D,(JinLong Building),KingKey Financial Center HongBao Rd.,Luohu District ShenZhen City China


Zip Code: 518001

Tel: 86-755-82786028, 86-755-82786018/82786038-806

Fax: 86-755-82786028

Contact: Miss Yang, Mr Chen


Bank information of tendering agent:

Bank Name: Branch of Allianz, Shenzhen Branch, China Merchants Bank

Bank Number: 30858400 1282           

Account No.: 755914788210 601

Account Name: Shenzhen Zhendong Tendering Agent Co.,Ltd

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